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On account of all centuries, culture to culture the intricacy in details are considered to be rare, beautiful and ranged. It is plotted in a way to be passed on for generations. From keeping the ornamental piece labyrinthine and meticulous to maintain its simple elegance and uncomplicated nature, every art is respected in this realm.   Minutiae on embellishments have enhanced the beauty of bejewelled gemstones, diamonds, pearls, corals, enamels and ceramics. Usage of precious metals and sculpting it skilfully equivalently of miniature art.   With the course of time the methodology on working out these intrinsic works have been transposed from hand crafted entirety where wax was massively used to carve the minute detail as per the drawings and liquid metal being poured later and set heated with a result of perfect handcrafted jewellery making it premium to become industrialized and mass produced by machines reaching out to the population with its requirements. Appreciating ...



A few hearing this word feels flattering or their heart beats fastly or someone even skip their heart beat. Its all fine but' love is eternal, for whomsoever it may be but its uncalculated and precious. Many poets, writers, philosophers has defined this word according to their taste and mindset. Surely it may be different for every individual still it would mean the same. Many have equated and said love as an emotion, but for me its simply a decision for holding hands of my loved ones and go through the journey of life, value him or her and respectfully have a partnership. Yes, emotions are cojoined to love but it wont define well if you don't believe in it from bottom of your heart.

Why does a life partner is known as a partner...?? It is because you have a partnership and a strong bond within your relation and you complete each other whole heartedly. We always forget the fights, throwbacks, misunderstandings etc etc ; because we don't want to remember and that's the benefit of being in love.

Love isn't static, it dosen't remains in a place, it grows thicker, stronger, and mutually we realize what is best for us. Its all about the response- The god's love we get even the love we receive from our parents, collegues and friends and of course our soulmate is the best feeling in the life and to respond to this is also a great responsibility.

Everyone's way to love is different, sometimes we feel that we have done less, judging the opposite's expression but all the way round the "romantic" ideology set up in everyone's mind is the key to expectations but we should always appreciate the effort made by the partner... whether the effort is done for our parents, friends or family even to the life partner it should receive a pat of appreciation

Always keep u your partnership at a great pleasure..
Because Love Is Partnership...


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